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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Capt. Scott McCune. The Recreational Fishing Organizer for the Marine Fish Conservation Network and an Avid Saltwater Fisherman.

The Network, a coalition of over 175 groups including the IGFA, Sport Fishing Magazine and others who are dedicated to protecting our marine fisheries, has launched a campaign to amplify the recreational angler's
voice in Congress.

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), is thelaw governing Fishing in U.S. waters out to 200 Nautical Miles.The MSA is up for renewal for the first time in 10 years and this comes at a
time of growing concern for the health of our nation's Fisheries. The US Commission on Ocean Policy in an assessment of the nation's oceans cited severe problems with industrial over fishing, habitat destruction and the
killing of non-targeted species.

Special interests want to weaken the provisions of the MSA that protect our sport. This will threaten Fishing opportunities for today's Anglers and their children.

Make your voice heard by visiting, take 30 seconds to strengthen the MSA for our future generations, it only a click away!


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